This year's Vacation Bible School, "RESCUE ZONE", ranks near the top of the list of all the great VBS weeks in the last decade at FRMBC. It was a total success! We had a great week of Bible lessons and delicious refreshments, and the Lord blessed us with great weather for our outside activities.
On Tuesday night we had a special visit from one of the Flat Rock firefighters. He demonstrated some of the rescue equipment on the Fire-Rescue Truck. A few of the young people were allowed to take part in demonstrating how some of the equipment works. It was very educational and, at times, very amusing.
To close each night, Bro. Lentz and Bro. Rowland performed skits that related to the particular lessons. They were both instructive and very funny!
Our highest attendance was 72. Thanks to all our VBS staff for all their hard work.
Check out the pictures of this year's VBS at VBS 2007 Picture Album at the FRMBC web site. (Use the back arrow to come back to this page.)