Spring Is Here - The Work Moves Ahead
Well, Spring is here, and that means Spring Cleaning. Bro. Lentz mentioned something about this in his Discovery Bible Clubs devotion. Many are doing this in their homes and around their houses. Furthermore, there are also things to be done around the church: broken window to be
fixed, bathrooms to be repainted and spruced up, the outside of the building needing to be painted, play set to be stained, and a ditch that needs to be cleared of much wooded-debris.
Even with the material we cannot leave
off the spiritual. With VBS, Youth Camp, Revival, and any other summer time ministries, we need to be sure not to put the spiritual down on the priority list because of the material. Both
need our attention; and it is when every "joint supplieth" (Eph. 4:16) that the work is made easier for everyone.
So as we get to the spring cleaning and the summer business, let's not forget the needs at church and work together to keep God's house in good shape; physically and spiritually.