Seven Years Later, We Remember
In an election year when the daily attention of the nation is focused on the future of our republic, it's easy to overlook the past. Today, however, we all must pause and remember. Seven years ago, our nation was forever changed as Islamic extremists attacked our country. On September 11, 2001, families across America wept together, prayed together, and stood strong together in unity. The tragedy of that day wounded us deeply, but it did not dampen the heroism and strength this country derives from faith, family, and freedom. In the past seven years, the threat posed by radical Islam has been kept from our shores, but it has by no means disappeared. Today, as we remember the victims of 9/11 and their families, our prayers likewise extend our men and women in the armed forces who fight daily that we might be kept from harm. We should not let our remembrance fade as this day in September passes. Our next president must pay heed to the present danger posed by radical Islam. May the ballots we cast in the coming months themselves serve as memorials.
-Tony Perkins