Friday, June 25, 2010

Sponsors - Key Ingredient for Summer Youth Camp

One of the key ingredients that make Summer Youth Camp a success gets little recognition and most of the time is kept out of the spot light. But I would like to say just a few statements about this key ingredient. I'm speaking of the camp sponsor. This is a person or a family that decides they are going to give a love offering to enable kids to go to camp less expensively. Most remain unnamed, except to the treasurer, but that's how they like it. After all, all the glory goes to the Lord. At our church we begin announcing for anyone who would like to give to the camp sponsorship fund to do so. As of the last few years, by the time camp rolls around, almost every camper goes to camp only paying around half the camp fee amount - thanks to this sponsorship fund. It works great; especially for those families with two or more children going to camp.
I am so thankful for the giving hearts of the members of FRMBC. I wish more churches could see the looks on the faces of children when they find out their camp fee was, in many cases, cut in half. I think if more churches that are involved in youth camps would do this, they would find it a tremendous blessing; both for the giver as well as the recipient.
I'm looking forward to another great year at camp this year as we "Thirst for God!" And thank you sponsors for making it a reality at a lower cost to our campers!
See camp info at: Camp 2010