Monday, September 29, 2008

Willing Servants Sing at Bible Conferece

The guys enjoyed a trip up to Covenant Baptist Church in Troy this past Saturday. We heard some challenging messages from Bro. Mark Clark Junior, Bro. Almond Katryan, missionary from Guyana, South America preached Friday night. Saturday's preachers were Bro. Bill Brooks, Bro. Mike Channell, Bro. Gary Harrah, and myself.
The guys sang during Saturdays services. They did a tremendous job. Their harmony and blend just keeps getting better all the time. We now have one more song to learn before we start working on a recording project. Actually, we will probably start working on the recording before we learn the new song.
Please pray the guys as they serve the Lord in this capacity. All four of them are very active here at the church, serving in various capacities. It's a blessing for this pastor to see them growing in the Lord and using their talents for His honor and glory in the Lord's church here at Flat Rock, as well as other sister churches.